27 January 2025 – Where are you going? Setting clear goals

Universities and colleges across the country are gearing up for the start of the 2025 academic year. For new first-year students, admission to a tertiary institution is a reward for all the hard work in matric—a gate pass to a new future.

But returning students are also in for another transition. Whether you’re new or returning, the beginning of the academic year can feel overwhelming with all that’s new and strange, so many forms to complete, faces to get to know, and buildings to find. Don’t worry—thousands have done it before you. You will find your way.

One great tool to help you calm down and focus is to make sure you know exactly why you are here. One should not start a journey without knowing where you want to go. If that is clear, you can always get back on the road, even if there are roadblocks or you lose your way for a while.

So: even in the midst of all the madness and busyness of this week, find half an hour at the beginning or the end of the day to think about your goal for your university career.  Give your dream future a solid outline by turning it into a SMART goal:

Think about it this way:
Write it out, big and bold, and stick it up above your desk or on the inside of your cupboard where you will see it every day. No matter how stressful, unpredictable, unmanageable or even boring! the days get in the year ahead, this is what you’re aiming for. This is your why.

We will come back to goalsetting in future newsletters. You may have goals in other areas of your life, like socially or in sport or in student affairs. We’ll talk about that. We’ll also talk about how to make that far-off aim relevant for what you do today.

For now, though, in this overwhelming first week, just make sure you know exactly what is your WHY.
All the best for a busy, often unsettling time

The GRAD team
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GRAD – your guide to university success is a partnership project of Ruda Landman, StudyTrust, Van Schaik Publishers and Capitec Bank